Troubleshooting Issues

Troubleshooting Issues #

The following items outline some common configuration issues which may be encountered.

Notes are not being added with the user who made the call? #

~.UcClient.~ will attempt to create a note with each call's details using the user id of the logged in user. If the 'Assume Identity' permission has not been assigned to the user whose 'API Key' is being used to run the application, ~.UcClient.~ will not be allowed to do this and will fall back to creating the note with the user details of the API key.

Information Circle info
~.UcClient.~ cannot add notes on behalf of administrators. If the logged in user is an administrator, the notes will always be create with identity of the user whose API Key is in use.

User cannot log in to ~.UcClient.~ #

If a user cannot login to ~.UcClient.~, check the following configuration within the ~.Dimensions.~ Customer Portal:

  • The user has been given the 'Website Access' permission
  • The user has been given the 'CRM User' role
  • Check that the user's account has not been locked out of the ~.Dimensions.~ Customer Portal

~.UcClient.~ is not creating new records when there is no match #

This feature is not available within ~.UcClient.~ for Zendesk. Zendesk's own 'New Ticket' or 'New Contact' forms must be used to create records.

How do I configure an avatar for a user? #

Avatars are configured through the ~.Dimensions.~ Customer Portal. Users can log in to this portal using the same credentials they use to log into ~.UcClient.~.